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Glossary of Statistical Definitions

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There are currently 34 definitions in this directory
Adult Population (CLFSS)
This is defined as the resident population 15 years old and over, who are covered in the Survey. Included are persons who normally reside in private, non-institutional households in Barbados. Excluded would be tourists and visitors to the island.

Basket of Goods and Services (RPI)
This is a fixed list of commodities and services that are selected for inclusion in the computation of the Index.

Buildings (CLFSS)
Every structure, tent and shelter is a building, irrespective of its use. It may be used for residential or non-residential purposes (e.g. church, mosque, party-headquarters etc.) or may be unoccupied.

This is the acronym for the Continuous Labour Force Sample Survey.

Dwelling Unit (CLFSS)
This is the living quarters of a single household. However, remand prisoners in jails and indoor patients of hospitals, nursing homes, etc., are excluded, but residential staff therein with their families, etc. will be listed.

Employed Labour Force (CLFSS)
According to the 1982 international definition of employment (ILO, 1983 b) the Employed Labour Force is comprise of all persons above the age specified for measuring the economically active population (in Barbados, the age is fifteen (15) years and over) who during a specified brief period, known as the reference period (one week in the case of Barbados), performed a minimum of an hour's work for pay or profit. Also included are: those who are temporarily absent from a job or business for such reasons as illness, vacation, strike, study, training or maternity leave; and those who worked in family businesses with no direct payment from owners but for family gain, pay or profit. These employed persons can be government or private employees, who receive monthly or weekly wages/salaries; or employers or self employed persons who realize profit;or unpaid family workers and apprentices (for family gains or their own gain).

A domestic good or service that is sold (export sale) abroad. Exports include government and non-government goods and services; however they exclude goods and services to the U.S. military, diplomatic, and consular institutions abroad. Exports do include goods and services that were previously imported.

Factor cost
This is the cost at the point of production.

Gross National Product (GDP)
The aggregate value of the gross balances of primary income for all sectors. It is obtained by summing the balance of primary incomes of the same resident institutional units.

Head of Household (CLFSS)
The head of the household is the person, male or female, whom the occupant(s) acknowledge to be the head. He/she may not necessarily be the highest paid or chief bread-winner.

Household Size (CLFSS)
The number of normally resident members of a household is its size. It will include temporary stay-aways, but excludes temporary visitors and guests. The composition of a household size will be left to the judgement of the head of household.

Household Unit (Private) (CLFSS)
This is defined as comprising all occupants of a dwelling unit including related persons, lodgers and servants sharing food from a common kitchen. e.g. - A maid who lives at her work place should in general be listed as a member of the household with whom she works.

This is the acronym for Index of Industrial Production. It is a key indicator of economic performance. It measures production across the manufacturing sector and in conjunction with other data, provides information for establishing economic policies.

A good or service that is sold (import sale) to a person residing in the U.S. from a person residing abroad. Imports include government and non-government goods and services; however they exclude goods and services to the U.S. military, diplomatic, and consular institutions abroad. Imports do include goods and services that were previously exported.

Inactive Persons (CLFSS)
These include persons who may be at school, retired, incapacitated, keeping house, and do not want work though they can work. The person should have been fully in that status throughout the survey period.

Income before taxes (Consumer Expenditures)
Income before taxes is the total money earnings and selected money receipts of all consumer unit members 14 years of age or over during the 12 months prior to the interview date. It includes the following components: Wages and salaries; self-employment income; Social Security, private and government retirement; interest, dividends, rental income, and other property income; unemployment, workers? compensation and veteran?s benefits; public assistance, supplemental security income, and food stamps; regular contributions for support (including alimony and child support); other income (including cash scholarships, fellowships or stipends not based on working, and meals and rent as pay).

Index (RPI)
This is the number or figure used for comparing changes between different points of time in the price level of certain household expenditures, which indicate the standard of living of the average household.

A group of establishments that produce similar products or provide similar services. For example, all establishments that manufacture automobiles are in the same industry. A given industry, or even a particular establishment in that industry, might have employees in dozens of occupations. The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system groups similar establishments into industries.

Inflation has been defined as a process of continuously rising prices, or equivalently, of a continuously falling value of money.

Labour Force (CLFSS)
This is defined as All persons 15 years old and over, covered in the Survey, who were engaged in (or willing and able to be engaged in) the production of economic goods and services.

Labour force (Current Population Survey)
The labour force includes all persons classified as employed or unemployed in accordance with the definitions contained in this glossary.

National Accounts
These are designed to describe the essential phenomena that constitute economic life: production, consumption, accumulation and wealth.

National income accounting
This is the measurement of the total flow of output ( goods & services) and the total flow of inputs (factors of production) that pass through all the markets of the economy during a specific period (usually one year).

Occupancy Status (CLFSS)
This describes the tenancy under which the persons occupy the dwelling units; whether they own the house or they are renting or the house is not occupied.

Outlets (RPI)
These are the places (shops, markets and establishments/institutions) where prices of commodities or services in the Basket of Goods and Services are collected periodically.

Price Ratio (RPI)
This is the proportion of the sum of the prices of an item, in the current month, to the sum of its corresponding prices in the preceding month - i.e. relating like prices for two (2) months.

Price Relative (RPI)
This is a number expressed as a percentage which indicates the movement in price levels from the base period value of 100%.

Reference Period (CLFSS)
The reference period refers to one (1) week preceding the date of enumeration.

A subset of a universe; usually selected to be representative of the universe.

Sample Frame
A listing of all units in the universe, from which a sample can be drawn.

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system
The SIC system is used throughout the federal government to group establishments into industries. The SIC Division Structure makes it possible to collect and calculate establishment data by broad industrial divisions (labeled A through K), industrial groups (the 2-and 3-digit SIC levels), and specific industries (the 4-digit level). See the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1987 (Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget), available in many libraries.

Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system
This system will be used by all Federal statistical agencies to classify workers into occupational categories for the purpose of collecting, calculating, or disseminating data. All workers are classified into one of over 820 occupations according to their occupational definition. To facilitate classification, occupations are combined to form 23 major groups, 96 minor groups, and 449 broad occupations. Each broad occupation includes detailed occupation(s) requiring similar job duties, skills, education, or experience.

Underemployed Labour Force (CLFSS)
According to the definition used for employed persons, one hour of work in a week is sufficient to be in this category. However if a person worked less hours in a week than is the norm (in Barbados, less than 20 hours) and the person sought for additional work and was available for it, the person is classified as underemployed. Thus underemployment exist when a person's employment is inadequate in relation to specified norms, account being taken of his/her occupational skills (training and working experience). Two (2) principal forms of underemployment are distinguished; visible underemployment reflecting an insufficiency in the volume of employment and invisible underemployment characterized by low income, underutilization of skills and low productivity.

Unemployed Labour Force (CLFSS)
The International standard of unemployment (also adopted by Barbados) is based on three (3) criteria to be satisfied simultaneously:- Without work - i.e. not in any paid employment or self employment; Currently available for work - for paid employment or self employment during the reference period; Seeking work - i.e. have taken specific steps to seek paid employment or self employment. Thus in Barbados, to be classified as unemployed an individual must not have worked at all during the reference period (one week), must have taken some steps (at most in the survey period) to obtain a job and being available for the work when found. Examples of such steps are writing applications, asking friends or relatives or people in authority, going from one company to the other or preparing to start own business. Persons on lay-offs or waiting to begin a new job are also classified as unemployed.

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