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Carla Test table id 20

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017R 2018R 2019R 2020P
Industry heading 2
Agriculture and Fishing 122.6 122.4 113.2 126.1 117.6 114.2 122.7 133.0 127.2 123.3 125.0 129.5 146.4 138.5 139.1
Mining and Quarrying 15.2 15.5 15.7 17.6 21.0 24.7 22.0 23.5 21.7 17.9 16.1 21.1 26.2 26.5 29.5
Manufacturing 650.5 644.0 686.4 627.1 528.0 572.4 521.9 548.5 523.8 514.2 512.4 510.1 498.3 498.2 455.9
Electricity, Gas & Water Supply 151.3 159.3 162.5 195.4 214.7 221.8 224.6 213.3 219.9 224.3 219.4 229.8 231.3 233.3 201.0
Construction 551.4 558.1 584.4 536.5 509.3 533.0 539.6 532.5 535.3 531.9 507.8 511.2 501.7 515.5 510.2
Wholesale & Retail Trade 848.4 874.0 931.4 794.2 828.0 930.1 900.8 923.3 913.2 903.6 908.8 894.5 889.8 887.4 830.9
Transportation and Storage 382.2 455.5 468.8 402.4 432.5 454.0 461.9 432.2 491.3 539.9 626.5 651.0 678.5 802.1 692.1
Accommodation and Food Services 1,036.4 1,241.5 1,253.8 1,135.3 1,112.8 1,019.9 979.2 1,095.6 1,066.3 1,059.7 1,131.9 1,231.6 1,354.3 1,478.7 712.9
Information & Communications 452.8 612.9 580.8 546.0 554.0 582.3 593.6 556.5 520.6 508.8 493.0 463.6 439.9 435.6 396.6
Financial & Insurance 838.0 856.8 831.8 921.0 808.5 761.9 757.2 764.7 770.8 833.4 822.5 862.1 856.4 883.4 851.5
Real Estate 703.0 791.6 792.9 739.4 818.3 883.2 967.3 1,030.0 1,060.5 1,041.6 983.3 972.7 936.5 1,086.7 1,126.7
Business Services 831.1 864.7 892.0 838.1 748.1 731.6 613.0 658.4 642.8 682.9 711.9 746.1 790.9 802.9 763.3
Public Administration, Defence & Social Security 411.8 415.2 471.0 486.7 558.9 553.0 560.9 564.1 509.0 488.0 483.3 481.0 487.8 445.7 466.7
Public Education 223.9 225.9 254.7 245.1 276.7 273.0 284.8 286.8 281.2 276.9 273.1 275.4 284.0 287.0 284.4
Public Health 90.6 90.7 100.1 107.7 114.5 107.9 110.1 108.4 103.7 99.8 98.3 99.1 101.4 97.9 103.0
Personal & Other Services Incl. of Private Edu. & Health 299.1 307.3 365.4 379.8 389.5 401.4 421.3 456.5 499.6 522.8 554.0 559.3 559.3 551.9 561.0
FISIM Adjustment 186.1 179.4 186.3 211.3 190.0 191.3 180.2 157.4 138.9 147.7 165.2 171.0 170.3 184.2 189.2
Total Value Added at Basic Prices 7,422.1 8,056.1 8,318.5 7,887.0 7,842.3 7,973.1 7,900.8 8,169.9 8,147.9 8,221.4 8,301.9 8,466.9 8,612.3 8,987.0 7,935.7
Taxes less Subsidies on Products 1,012.8 1,292.0 1,251.3 1,044.3 1,217.5 1,342.3 1,319.4 1,184.6 1,244.8 1,228.0 1,363.7 1,496.2 1,582.3 1,621.4 1,443.4
Gross Domestic Product at Market Prices 8,434.9 9,348.0 9,569.9 8,931.3 9,059.9 9,315.4 9,220.2 9,354.5 9,392.7 9,449.4 9,665.6 9,963.2 10,194.6 10,608.3 9,379.1
Gross Domestic Product per Capita 27.1 29.4 30.3 28.6 28.4 28.8 28.5 29.4 29.4 29.7 30.1 30.8 31.5 33.0 29.2
Source: Barbados Statistical Service
Title of the table


Gross Domestic Product by Industry 2006-2020

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